Monday, December 29, 2008

New Feeding Regime

We have a regime.

In this regime, we prioritise Ivy's milk intake and my poor nipples. It goes like this:

* During the day I express and we feed both babies the expressed milk in bottles. This gives my nipples a rest.

* At night I breastfeed both babies. This is supposedly easier that bottles (no bottle-preparing and -washing = more sleep).

However, we also decided that it was a good idea to offer Ivy a bottle after each breastfeed, just in case she would take a little extra. But at night she is so very very sleeepy that she will not countenance the suggestion. Many wasted little bottles so far, and not much sleep.

I plan to persist with this for a week, to give it a chance to work. Ivy

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

LC Visit Today!

Jane the Darebin-funded lactation consultant is coming again today. We'll look at:

Hazel's noisy suck - she clicks and splats when the flow is high. hurts.
Ivy's weight gain - not that much of it.
My nipple pain.

Not sure how much of this we can deal with today - I spose it depends on who is ready to feed when Jane visits.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Ivy's Feeding Weirdness ctd

Poor ol Ivy is a bit challenging to feed. She is very interested in everything around her, and doesn't like to stay quiet and still while on the breast. I think being held close is a bit stressful for her too.

As a result I'm expressing and bottle feeding for the moment. sigh

Also she is not gaining as much weight as she might be. 50g in ten days... She'll be wighed again in a couple of weeks to see if the bottle feeding regime is working better for her.

It's all a bit upsetting. I think I need help from Jane the LC to work out what I could do differently.

Health Insurance Is Weird

Talking to someone from my health insurance about how much more I can claim on osteopathy, and the person on the phone had never heard of it.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ivy's Feeding Upsets - Solved! (Mostly)

It's not food intolerance, and it's not reflux.

At her checkup a few weeks ago, the paediatrician suggested that her late-in-the-feed upsets might be heartburn. To deal with that, we tried giving Ivy a dose of Losec every day. It didn't seem to do anything.

At about the same time, I was posting questions on the Australian Breastfeeding Association forum. This forum is full of Austrlian women chatting about breastfeeding. I staretd out asking for opinions on whether Ivy's behaviour fitted the pattern of food intolerance or reflux, and I got lots of interesting answers, but nothing particularly convincing. Then I looked in the "Breast Refusal" section.

In this section, other women described their babies doing eactly what Ivy does. They discovered that their babies were simply extremely fast feeders, who got annoyed when they were still on the breast once they had finished!

So it turns out that Ivy can happily drain my breast in five minutes, and is then completely over the idea of feeding. None of this "non-nutritive sucking" for her!

She now sometimes cries a little at the end of a feed, but nothing like before. We are all a lot happier!