Monday, September 19, 2011

Hazel "swims", and she does it "underwater"

Snow in summer

Twirling in Inverloch

Ivy now has a pair of fins, and this is what she does when she wears them:

Ivy's bunny

Ivy loves her bunny, and she puts her to bed at every opportunity. She even squealed "a bed for bunny" when she saw a cardboard box, minutes after I read this blog post.

At the moment we have a dolly pram (thanks Darebin toy library), and Hazel does not get a look-in. The pram has been colonised by Ivy's white bunny and her green bear. Ivy covers them lovingly with sheets, puts snacks in there "for later", and then slowly walks the pram around the house, radiating motherly pride.

A couple of weeks ago:

Hazel: Ivy, what's your white bunny's name?
Ivy: White Bunny.
Hazel: And what is your green bear's name?
Ivy: Green Bear.

Yesterday morning:

Trudi: Ivy, why do you like White Bunny?
Ivy: She is white.
        She has wiggly funny arms.
        She is soft.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My tower will be wewy high

Hazel: My tower will be wewy high!
Ivy: My tower will be even higher!
Hazel: My tower will be wewy WEWY high!
Ivy: My tower will be. Will be. Um. Wewy high!

Then, a bit later:

Ivy: Can I knock down your tower please?
Hazel: Certainly!