Sunday, September 23, 2012


Ivy and Hazel like making vases. To do this, you get a little jar or cup, then you pick stuff from the garden. Put water in the jar, then put in your pickings. It's best to include a really long tough pointy spike from a native grass.

Yesterday Hazel picked marigolds with really short stems, so I gave them a box of water. This morning she added more flowers. I like the contrasting colours. Apparently it's a pond filled with lilies, and the purple ones are POISONOUS.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sounding it out

We were at the market buying chicken. As we waited, Ivy pointed to a sign on the glass case and said "Does that say 'chicken'?"

Aha! A teaching opportunity!

"Nope, it starts with O R, which makes the sound 'aw'. What's that next letter?"

Hazel came over to help. "That's a G which makes the sound 'gee'. So this says 'orgy'. What's 'orgy' Mum?"

Maybe I will let the next teaching opportunity slip by.