Saturday, February 6, 2010

We went to a cafe

All four of us! And we sat down AT A TABLE!

It gets better.

There were two highchairs, and neither was in use, and only one was only a little bit broken!

There's more.

Trudi got two coffees and two babycinos, and the girls enjoyed their little cups and spoons and fluffy milk, and we drank our coffees at a leisurely pace. I did not burn my mouth. The girls ate a small plate of little cubes of various cheeses.

We did all this at the Bega cheese factory, which has an olde worlde touriste trappe with old dairy implements which put me in the mind of horrific obstetrical instruments from the eighteenth century. Not that similar, but somehow a bit similar. Aside from the grim reminders of past milking technologies, we had a very pleasant time.

Doesn't Ivy look grown-up here:

We went to Bega to see a panel-beater, and to get an estimate for fixing our car. Yesterday afternoon it was pelting down (the last hurrah of that cyclone), so we went to Merimbula Aquarium. The girls were mildly interested in some of the fish, but they loved the two flights of carpeted stairs. Anyway, anyway, anyway. The carpark at the aquarium is cut out of the side of the hill, and we parked against a cliff. and a bit of the cliff fell off onto our car. Minor damage, safe to drive, but if we don't fix it, rust will set in. Sigh. Insurance, blah, blah.

The panel beater said he could do it, but not until next week and it would take four days, so we will wait until we get home. Easier to be without a car at home. There is no tram or train here in Merimbula.

In other news, Hazel has learnt to say No. She says No a lot. She says No. No. No! No. In a cute broad Aussie accent. I spose that's how we sound... it's not like she learned to speak by watching Neighbours. Trudi is trying to teach her Yes, but that seems to be a much tougher concept, and harder to pronounce.

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