Thursday, May 7, 2015

That cat

I am working at home at my desk in the loungeroom. I've just turned the heater off - the room will stay warm enough for an hour or two now.

The cat yowls at the door, and I let her in. She might like to bask in the warmth too.

I get back to work. Typitty type type.

I hear a gentle knocking sound from the other side of the room, and I rotate on my whirly chair to see what's going on. The cat is under the other desk. Is she tapping at the cables under there? Knock knock. She could be playing with a moth. Knock-knock.

I wheel over to get a good look, and she scurries away in that craven don't-hit-me way that well-treated cats still use.

It doesn't smell so good over here.

The bloody cat has just laid about ten small hard turds under the desk. They made gentle knocking sounds as they dropped, one by one, on the board floor.

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