Saturday, January 23, 2010

Teeth again

I had prepared for this, but you know that preparation thing, it's usually no use.

The girls each grew six teeth when they were seven months old. They've both had four on top, two on bottom ever since. Until this week, that is.

Hazel now has a new molar, plus one or three new incisors (hard to tell), plus another molar about to break through, plus maybe another two molars not far behind. She's been justifiably shitty about this.

Ivy has a new incisor I think, plus about ten molars about to erupt out of her head in all directions.

The last four nights have been dire, and I am back in that Place, the Place where everything has a thin glowy rainbow halo, and my eye sockets ache, and my brain is set on Mute. I didn't visit my sister & mum yesterday because I am clearly not safe to drive more than a few minutes.

We bought a new twin stroller today, to replace the one I lost. Did I mention that I lost our stroller?

I lost our stroller last week. I loaded the kids into the car, then I loaded in the shopping, then I just drove off!

I didn't realise until late the next day that it was gone. I rang Trudi at work to ask where she had put it. We worked out what I must have done.

In a lot of ways I hated that stroller in comparison to our Mountain Buggy, but at least I could lift the damn thing into the car without having to make an osteo appointment. And it was expensive!

My mum has lent me her twin stroller. It's a much cheaper thing, which a friend gave to her. It's pretty horrible to drive in comparison to the one I lost, but it's better than nothing.

So what do I do the other day?

I loaded the kids into the car, then the shopping, then I drove off without the loaner pram. This time, I realised about 2 minutes later, then zipped back to pick it up. It was still sitting there, lonely, waiting for me. THIS TIME.

Today Trudi tactfully asked me "What do you think you could do differently, so you don't lose another pram?". Because I am not a horrible person, I didn't bark "get some sleep!" Anyway, this happened before the teething thing, so I was fairly well rested.

And so to bed.

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