Monday, November 15, 2010


A few weeks ago, we all went to a door shop, and picked out a new screen door for the front. The old one was literally falling apart - Trudi used cable ties to keep it in one piece, but it was essentially a piece of shit.

A week ago, mum visited (imagine some big doom-y music). As we all came in the front door, I propped the "security" door open by moving the little disc thingy on the thingy up the top... what it this called? Is it worth googling it so you will know exactly what I mean? Ok, Google is no help; I don't even know what search terms to use. Where was I.

Once we were all inside, Mum tried to close the door, but it was still propped open, and she actually ripped the door off its hinges! What a magnificent security door we had.

I put it on the nature strip and it was four or five days before someone took it away. That is a measure of how crappy it was - I put a garden gnome out once, and that took fifteen minutes to go.

Today a man from Michael's Security Doors came and put up a new door, plus one for the back. Now we can have the doors open on hot nights - bliss. The poor installing guy had a hard time with the front door frame. It's had a tough life - it seems to have been randomly shaved down in various spots, so he took half an hour of serious chiselling and hammering to hang the door. Somehow the girls napped through it all, and woke to a new door.

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