Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rock babes

We are learning how to jump off things. It makes my heart speed up, but what can I do? It seems to be time to do this.

Our local primary school has closed, and its enormous grounds have been mostly unused. This week I had an email from my local Sustainability Street group in which someone reported that an Education Department person welcomed community access to the school.

So on Monday arvo I put the girls in the pram, walked over to the school, wandered in through the gate, and commenced to play. There is a slightly decrepit set of play equipment... Slide, monkey bars, you know. Once that palls (takes four minutes), there are rocks in a 'dry creek bed', grass, trees, wooden walls to climb and walk along, plus a vegie and herb garden to ransack for lavender.

On the way home, Ivy and Hazel each had a long stalk of lavender, another of grass, plus roses and dandelions on their laps. Birnam Wood.

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