Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sleep changes

Hey look! I found an old post from 24 January that I never actually posted. I am so cool and techno-savvy.

Here it is:

Today is Day 6 or 5 (or something) of Hazel's new sleep regime. Ivy joined late, so she's on Day 3. The new arrangement is...

No day naps!

Ivy and Hazel now get up in the morning, keep going all day, and go to bed at night. I can hardly get them to stop... it's a struggle to get them to slow down and have "quiet time".

They are pretty cranky about it though. Last night they went to bed at 6pm. Tonight, it was a little later.

The reason we've made the change is that they were just not tired at bedtime. They would hoon around for two hours or more, being bored hooligans. It doesn't help that they are now in big beds, not cots. They can easily hop out of bed and open their door. One night, Ivy came out five times before she went to sleep.

So far it's going well. They both get pretty cranky by 3pm, but Trudi comes home before 4, so we just muddle along until bedtime. My day has changed a lot. I used to tidy the house and make dinner while the girls were sleeping after lunch, but no more. because they are more tired, they really need me around, so I can't just wander off and do housework unless someone is here to be with them. Last night I made enough bolognese sauce for four dinners. That takes us through to Thursday night. Will have to think of something for Friday... sufficient unto the day.

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