Friday, June 5, 2009

I love my comments!

Yes it made my day, and no I did not pee my pants.

I've been writing new posts for days, and then forgetting to finish them. Busy times round here. Not that anything much is actually happening... just two little girls who need fun and entertainment all day.

The napping is going pretty well, and the nights are still amazing. Last night I slept for 7.5 hours without waking. This is the best night's sleep I have had in about a year. I feel no different today though.

Louise, I had no idea you read my blog. I sort of thought I was writing it for posterity. maybe the girls will one day care about this stuff (tho probably not!). I am going to a 12-week program at Northpark for nutty mums. It's great! We do stuff like Think About Our Reasons for Going Nuts. It's couched in better terms than that though.

And Miriam, I also had no idea that you read this too. Hope to see you at the birthday pile-up next week.

Off to put the girls to bed.


  1. actually, I only found it a week or so ago. I was bored(!) and clicked on Trudi's bookmark to see what was new. Saw the link to this blog.

    My sister has just sprouted kid number 3 (6 months), so I'm used to seeing baby puke all over blog pages. Rather you than me. :-)

  2. Wow you are an experienced aunt by now. I am not yet (maybe one day).

    How is sleep at your place?

  3. hello. Who says you are a nutty mum? how is that measured? glad you are enjoying your program though - reflecting on parenting and how we do it is always useful, I think, as long as it's not done too obsessively or anxiously. I am a nutty mum, but people haven't noticed yet. It is 1.50 am, I am writing a job application, have a teething 2yo who keeps waking up and a UK visitor who (a) has no initiative and (b) no plans. I booked her a flight out of here for Saturday. So there. I am doing a full-time placement, am burning the candle at both ends and in the middle, have a pathological perfectionist/procrastination thing going, BUT no-one seems to have noticed. I would have quite liked to go to a 12 week thing. Bit late I suppose with one in prep and the other one nearly toilet trained.

    Hope things are more sane at your place than mine.

  4. Hi, sorry I did not reply to your stack of questions sooner. I remember reading this comment and thinking I WILL REPLY but then not.

    I am nutty because (a) I have mild PND and (b) my health fund paid for the hospitalisation and the 12-week program.

    It's measured by questionnaires (In the last week, how often have you felt like shit? All the time, some of the time, never... etc).

    Off I go to get Hazel out of bed. She woke up after only a short nap, so I got her up, played quietly for a bit, then put her back to bed. She has whinged for fifteen minutes now, and it's feed time, so i suppose that yet another attempt at an Interrupted Sleep (learned that one in sleep school) has not worked. Ivy is still asleep.
