Thursday, October 8, 2009

We are all well

It's been a while, hasn't it.

We've had a lot of minor crises - the usual quotidian stuff. Six weeks of continual colds, and the girls are just finishing up one now. I hope we have at least a few weeks off before the next one. One of the colds was a weird one that started with two days of fever and tiredness, then turned into a normal cold. We all had that one, one after another.

Yesterday all four of us went out for a walk, with Hazel in Trudi's backpack, and Ivy on my front in my Ergo carrier. Not far from home I fell over. Like a kid again! I tripped on a piece of kerb that I didn't see, and went down forwards. Poor Trudi said that watching me fall took forever, and she was waiting for the sound of a snapping wrist, as has happened to both Trudi and her mum. I am fine, just a grazed palm and knee. As I fell I curled one arm around Ivy, but not high enough to protect her little head. She has a graze on the back of her head where she hit the concrete. After I got up, we went straight home, with Ivy bawling. Apparently that is actually a good sign, that she cried immediately. A silence is ominous. When we got home we managed to calm Ivy and she played happily with Hazel. After a wait I got through to the Maternal and Child Heath phone line, and they said she sounded fine, but recommended we get her checked out. So Trudi stayed home with Hazel and I took Ivy to the Austin emergency. They have a paediatric section there. We waited for a long time cos they were busy (I hate to think with what), and Ivy was pretty wired by the time we left. She is utterly fine, but we should watch for weird behaviour for the next few days.

Oddly, last night's sleep was one of the best in a month! Hazel woke once at about 3am, and was back asleep within half an hour. The girls slept until 6.30, which is just fine by me.

Today we will go to a playground with Ange, Olive & Toby.

1 comment:

  1. Poor poppets, big and small. So glad to know you ae both all right. xxx Nanna
