Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I cut Ivy's hair for the first time, this morning. Just the fringe bit, cos it was always in her eyes. Chris the hairdresser told me that she could not do it for a fortnight, and to do it myself and to not cut off too much. I used the nail scissors because they are sharp and tiny. I remembered to keep a tiny lock of hair. Poor Ivy has a bit of a mullet - she always did, but it's a bit more obvious now.

Creche is working out much better than I expected! Both girls are settling in, and they seem to enjoy it there.

Today was our third day at creche. We go on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and last week we just stayed for a coupel of hours on both mornings.

Today we got there just in time for morning tea, and stayed until 3:30 pm. After an hour and a half of me wafting around the room, BEING THERE, one of the staff members gently suggested that I could maybe go and have a cup of tea. That is, go away and leave us, we are fine with your daughters.

I told Hazel and Ivy that I would be going into a different room now, and that they would have their lunch and a nap, and Marie and Rena would help them. They did not seem to care. I went over to the Parents Room which was deserted and cold, and had no tea. Someone found we wandering the corridors (there is actually only one corridor) and said I was welcome to come into the staff room. It was full of other mums - plus a few staff trying to have a break. I ended up staying in there for the rest of the day.

After half an hour of waiting in the staff room, I popped my head out and looked through the window, only to catch Ivy's eye as she wept in Laura's arms. Laura frantically signed something at me, and I signed back - DO I NEED TO COME BACK IN? She smilingly signed NO GO AWAY so I did. More tea.

Later, I got a status report from Rena that both girls looooved their chicken noodle soup and were happily playing as the staff got people ready for naps. Ivy had cried briefly for me, but was easily comforted and distracted. After that she was fine. She used the toilet with Marie's help.

I kept popping out and checking through the window. Eventually the room was darkened, and everyone was in their little beds. These are made of a mat on the floor, plus a bottom and top sheet, and a tiny pillow. Like a doll's bed really. Marie stayed by Ivy, and eventually Ivy dropped off to sleep. Rena stayed by Hazel for an hour and a half, patting and shushing her. Hazel was restless and wiggly, and Rena said later HER EYES DID NOT SHUT! But eventually, near the end of nap time, they did. Hazel slept for about half an hour, which was just enough to keep her going for the rest of the day.

Ivy used the toilet again after her nap. She is amazing.

After they were both awake and trotting around again, I went back in. Ivy was happy to see me, and Hazel did not react much. I think she might have bottled up her feelings about me not being there. Or is that just me mentally rearranging things so that I am the centre of everything?

They had a snack, they played some more, then I said it was time to come home. NO said Hazel.Well I suppose that means she liked it there.

Off again tomorrow. I might even try to get there early enough for the staff to give the girls breakfast. That would be nice.

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