Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We are not in Cairns

Instead we are in Melbourne, in the cold, in the rain, with snot.

Ivy has conjunctivitis, Hazel has it again, Trudi and I have new colds, and so does Ivy. Not sure if Hazel has the new cold or the old cold. Not sure that it matters. We are a mess.

We are really glad that we cancelled the Cairns trip. We would have been travelling on Saturday, which was a particularly low day for all of us. The girls would have had no nap on that day. Cos we were home, they napped for over 3 hours - and then slept 11 hours at night.

Hazel and Ivy have a new thing - they say that they are "a bit scared" about whatever it is that has scared them. "Ivy bit scared of the balloon" is a common one. A balloon that is bobbing around in a breeze always gives her the heebies. Hazel is testing the phrase. She looks around to see what to finish it with. "Hazel bit scared of... the couch." Hazel bit scared of... the floor."

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