Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's a twin thing

Until only a few months ago, my girls were just not that into each other. Yeah, sure, there was the occasional hug, but mostly they seemed to be either neutral or pissed off about the other one. I felt sad about their lack of that twin thing... the special bond that I've heard others talk about.

Some other mums told me that their twins did not have that bond until they were 2 or later. Something to do with being able to actually play together - throwing the ball back and forth, not just whacking each other or tossing it into the undergrowth.

Well these days, my girls are well and truly bonded. They play together constantly, even when there are other delightful kids to be with. They embellish each other's storytelling, and they feed each other treats. Sure, they also clock each other on the skull with sharp heavy things, but not so often.

Last weekend we camped at the Prom with some friends, in a tent-site-shaped dustbowl. There was quite a lot of grass, but of course three 3-year-olds would far rather sit in sandy dust.

Here is Hazel giving Ivy a massage. She's tenderly sifting dust into Ivy's hair and clothes.

I think I can release my fear that they will not love each other.

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