Sunday, May 10, 2009

Scones and jam and cream are fine!

Another lovely visit to Jacqui & Flick's - this time, arvo tea. It was scones and jam (presented in little dishes) and cream (in a small vat). Just how I like it.

We left at 4.45pm, which is very late for us. The girls have their dinner at about 5.45pm,. and are usually in bed by 6.15.

In fact, they are in bed now. Ivy is vigourosly blowing raspberries and yowling, while Hazel is providing a bass drone of grumbles. Just went in to give them the Sleep Message. This means that I sort out any tangled sheets and misplaced babies (they tend to wiggle up to the top of the cot), pat and shhh until they are both calm, say "Goodnight girls, see you in the morning", then leave to write a blog post.

I have come up with the idea that it's time to stop using dummies. We have not yet decided to actually ditch the dummies, but i'm wondering why I am even considering such a thing. Ivy is totally addicted to hers. Actually, that's why I'm thinking of ditching dummies. During her day naps, when she stirs after 40 minutes, she has lost her dummy, so she calls for Mummy to fix it. She is now good at spitting the dummy right out of the cot. SIGH. So the options are (1) keep on being the mid-nap dummy-poster, (2) ditch dummies, or (3) start pinning them on to their sleep sacks.

Stay tuned.

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