Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ivy babbles and cannot get to sleep

Ivy likes to say DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA and it's so exciting that she finds it hard to go to sleep.

Also she is growing teeth (her bottom gum is all red and bumpy). Also her nasty mummy won't let her have a dummy.

She's needing quite a lot of patting and shooshing to get her to relax. It took her nearly an hour to drop off for her afternoon nap.

When she's meant to be sleeping, Ivy sits up in bed and wails DA DA DA DA DA then she lies down and scrunches her face into the sheet and howls DA DA DA DA DA. Then she sits up again and yowls DA DA DA DA DAAAAA and then Hazel starts to cry... well who wouldn't, with all that going on. Seems like the roles are reversed. It used to be Hazel groaning and moaning and carrying on, and Ivy trying to sleep.

Today we had lunch with the Anges and their two lovely kiddies, then this afternoon I took Hazel to Cath & Helen's, where we had afternoon tea with their two lovely kiddies. Trudi and Ivy went to Northland - Ivy was in her new baby backpack thing.

This afternoon I brought home a bootful of loot, and when I got home Trudi reiterated that I am not allowed out on my own if I am going to bring home junk. But it's not junk! Lots of wonderful cloth nappies, plus two excellent puddle-suits, plus a really cool plastic swing on two ropes. Apparently we got rid of a similar swing recently, and apparently I had agreed at the time that it was of no use to us. Since then, both girls have enjoyed swinging on swings in playgrounds, and I have clearly donated all my memories to the Salvoes, cos now I think the swing is ace. I will try hanging it from the Hills Hoist.

Trudi is just lucky that I needed to get Hazel home pronto this afternoon, because they are having a hard rubbish collection soon in Kew. And as everyone knows, the hard rubbish is better in the better suburbs. Hazel gnawed on a decorated paper plate in the back seat (thanks for donating it Maisy!) while I sang along to 3MBS, and we DID NOT STOP to pick up a plastic laundry basket, a range of chairs and a paddling pool.

Nighty-night everyone, sleep well.

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