Sunday, August 23, 2009

Who has been watching this video?

There is a mystery.

After you put a video on Youtube, you can see how many times it has been watched.

Most of our videos of the girls have been watched about 5 times.
If I include a video in this blog, it gets watched about 20 times.
This video of Pegs has been watched 146 times!

What's happening here folks? Would you like to confess that you have watched this an unreasonable number of times? Perhaps researchers into the interactions between small twins have taken it up? Perhaps this video has a very minor underground cult following. Or maybe Youtube's statistics are wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I've watched it two or three times. So that still leaves a lot of times unaccounted for. I'd seen that figure on YouTube too, and was also puzzled by it. I just assumed it was a mistake, but maybe our little darlings ARE part of a Prescribed Reading/Viewing List for Psychology 101 at a university somewhere. Lots of love from Nanna
