Saturday, November 7, 2009

A bad couple of days, but all is lovely now

Ivy was sick with something. All Thursday she cried at nothing much and needed lots of cuddles. The good part about this was that she is now coming over to get a cuddle when she needs one. T & I are both loving this new development.

The night sucked too. Ivy woke up screaming again and again until we gave her Panadol at about midnight. She slept OK until 5.30am, so that's when our day started. Great.

Friday was somewhat better. Ivy was still dodgy but not abject.

Today both girls were bouncy and full of sunshine. They went straight to sleep for their morning nap. We had a great swimming lesson. Hazel is loves to sit on the side of the pool, fall forward into the water, swim underwater for about a metre, and catch hold of my t-shirt to come up for air. After this she smiles! Ivy is less keen on going underwater at the moment. She loves to swim after a bright toy and then grab it and gnaw it.

On the way back from swimming, Trudi dropped me off on High St, where I caught a tram down to the Japanese Bath House in Collingwood. I had an hour-long bath session, followed by a shiatsu. Happy.

Trudi told me that the girls' afternoon nap went really well too. Trudi was trying to make them sit still for their Calming Naptime Book Reading but no dice. Wriggling and crawling around in their bed-bags was the order of the afternoon. T decided to put Hazel to bed and let Ivy stay up a bit longer. As she came out of the bedroom she found Ivy had crawled all the way from the lounge to her bedroom (hampered by being in a bag no doubt). So off she went to bed too, and they went straight off to sleep.

On the way home I stopped off in Northcote to buy sunhats for the girls. Trudi and the girls met me at the shop, and we all drove back home together. At home we sat on the grass and played with coloured cups in a box of water. Dinner, bottles, bed-bags, book, bed. Then Trudi and I scrubbed the deck so that she can oil it tomorrow.

Bread is baking now which is why I am blathering online instead of going to bed. Nearly done.


1 comment:

  1. So cute - very vivid writing dear girl - I can imagine it all. Sorry I'm sick and so am missing everything. xxxxxxxxxx Nanna
