Thursday, November 26, 2009

Things Hazel says

She has a few words now, does Miss Hazel. Not many, but they get a good workout each day. Here they are:

ted-dy Means "teddy". Due to Trudi's insistence that any soft stuffed toy is a teddy, we hear this one a lot.
a-o Means "cat", probably cos we keep telling her that cats say "meow", even though one of our cats says eh and the other one says rowly-meow-ow-ow-yowly-rowlrowl.
a-pl Means "apple". The second syllable is kind of explosive but hidden. Impossible to describe. Will try to video it so one day when Hazel is ten we can reminisce.
ut Means "up". This is both a comment on the state of things (as in, "Look, I am standing up when you thought I was still sitting on my potty and did not notice me stand up look I am standing UP"), and a description of things to come (as when I have unbuckled her from her car seat and am about to hoist her up and out).

Aside: I do not know why there is a huge gap before this list. Thankyou Blogger for doing weird things to my lame little HTML table.

I am just loving how the girls' comprehension is growing each day.

Both girls now come to me when I ask them to. This afternoon they were in an inflated bouncy castle, and when it was time to go I asked them to come over to me and they did! Even though they were having fun still.

When we are all in the bathroom Hazel loves to play in the drawers. The bottom drawer has lots of blocks of soap, and she takes them all out and throws them around. She licked one once, but not lately. Eww. When I want to leave the room, I ask her to put the soap back in the drawer, and she does. Ivy helps. Then I ask Hazel to shut the drawer and she does. Ivy has no truck with drawers. They are scary bitey things and I am happy with that. They I say "Everyone out" and point to the door, and they troop out ahead of me.

Can you tell that both girls are a lot better? I am blogging about positive things today.

Some interesting diagnosis facts: Ivy's mysterious illness (fever then rash) was probably roseola. I described her synptoms (complain complain) to Chrissy, who said that her favourite book when she was 14 was an illustrated diagnosis manual. She said Ivy probably had roseola, so I googled, and it surely does fit the facts. It's harmless and rarely recurs.

Hazel's latest problem has been a sore mouth, leading to screaming and sleepless nights. Panadol helped. We assumed it was teeth, then I mentioned to Mum that I had a sore tongue and she diagnosed thrush. Great. Oral thrush. How gross! The pharmacist agreed, so the girls and I are eating Daktarin gel and Hazel had her first proper nap this morning, and she didn't wake up screaming. I'm feeling a lot better too.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! And I love the lexicography. So cuuuute! xxxx Anna
