Sunday, November 22, 2009

A day of firsts

Yesterday was a standard small day, but had a few sneaky firsts.

Warning: Some of the firsts are to do with poo.

In the morning we were brushing our teeth as usual, sitting on the bathroom floor. Hazel did Poo Face (imagine it if you can), so I whipped her pants off and popped her on the toilet with its new little toddler seat. After a few minutes of fiddling with the toilet roll holder and admiring the Sesame Street pictures on the seat, she did a poo and then a wee! Yay for Hazel! First deliberate poo in the toilet.

In the evening the girls were in the bath, and Hazel did Poo Face again. A whole day had passed since the morning's Poo Face, so don't imagine she does it all the time. I'm just compressing events so you don't have to hear about the ones without Poo Face. So, I whipped her out of the bath and popped her on the conveniently located little seat on the toilet. No poo, and much struggling. Back in the bath. Poo Face again. Back on the toilet, more struggling. Hmm. Back in the bath. Now Ivy does Poo Face which is not like her - she is usually a stealth poo-er. I put Ivy on the toilet seat, and she notices the Sesame Street picture,. Fiddle fiddle. Hazel does Poo Face again. Heck. I call out to Trudi to bring the potty, in case I have two pooing people to deal with. Hazel poos in the bath before the potty arrives. Ivy does not poo but likes the Cookie Monster. First poo in the bath.

Confession: Both of the firsts were to do with poo. Hah I tricked you.

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