Thursday, September 3, 2009



Hazel has had five days in a row with no afternoon sleep. For two of those days, Ivy has also gone without. I have tried various combinations of putting them down at different times, later than usual, after a bottle, blah, blah, none of it makes a difference. I think she does not want that nap.

However it means that they are exhausted by 5.30pm, and have to go to bed at 6pm, which leads to some fairly early wake-ups. I am actually looking forward to the daylight savings change-over. It will mean that the girls are going to bed at 7 and getting up at 6.30 - quite civilised really.

Although they are not having an afternoon nap, they are still having their morning nap. They are tired and ready to sleep, and they have a nice long nap 9.30-11am. Today I am going to see if I can distract them and make that nap happen later. It would be great for them to have a good long middle-of-the-day nap, so that their afternoons are less desperate.

They are running races up and down the house. Off I go to giggle at them.

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