Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Porridge Punk and the Maths Teacher

Doesn't that sound like a great name for a band...

Porridge Punk has spiky hair because she rubbed porridge in it during breakfast, and then when I pulled her bib up over her head her hair got vertical.

The Maths Teacher has naturally maths-teacher-y hair, but the V-neck button-up shirt is my fault. At least she is having fun...


  1. The cutest babies in the whole world.

  2. You are keen Mum! How often do you check this blog for new posts?

  3. Trudi showed me another picture of them looking even MORE punk and maths teacher.

    I wonder if this is an early indication of their furutre personalities...

  4. Quite a few times a day when I'm at school on the computer! Much more enticing than marking essays.
