Sunday, September 20, 2009

Went to the zoo yesterday

It was FULL of other people with prams (how inconsiderate), and because it's school holidays it was FULL of everyone else as well. Then it rained. Then Ivy fell asleep in the car on the way home, then she got a fever.

Apart from that, we liked the baboons (bright red bums are amusing) and the meerkats (little fluffy things napping in a pile are endearing).

Poor Ivy probably caught the fever from our cleaner who came on Friday and was still sick despite her saying that she was not. Sigh. She clearly needed the money cos she had not worked all week due to being sick. Sigh. Ivy is doing fine today, and Panadol helped last night, so we are hoping that was the worst of it.

In other news, the pottying is progressing nicely. Ivy's nappy is often dry after a nap, and she wees in the potty when I pop her on. Do you want to hear about the poo situation? I'm not sure that I should just keep banging on about poos in pots, because I'm starting to realise that not everyone wants these details. Mum, you can ring up for details whenever you like.


  1. Update: We probably caught the fever from other kids, not from the cleaner. She is off the hook!
